I searched.
high& low... trying to find a picture that would sum this writing up. ... to make it more appealing to others i guess... so they could relate to my pain instead of skipping over??
i tell you that i get your need to do it. do them . allllll of them. & it doesnt other me . atall. until i get hom ewith my thoughts. (& my secret final glass of wine behind my roommates backs) "whats wrong with double-fisting?"
you can get someone. you can understand.
but why does that understanding not come with release?? why is there still pain if there is release???
tell me.
you seem to know all.
youre simple.
if you werent we wouldnt be here.
you cant guide me.
thats why we're not we.
ps. i think sometimes my biggest fear is you reading this...
but its fucked in the sense that i know you already do. [& you're still here]
thats why i love you.
maybe i will add a picture. heartburn.
all i wanted was to get home sunday.
- grasstains.