Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dissolution & Disaster (the best art installation to date?)

Does there have to be this?
Does there have to be complete turmoil in order to create?
Can art not come from simple understanding... and can we not understand without experience? I mean I'm really not sure.
Is this a product of Generation MTV? Why are we always searching, searching, searching... just to feel? Feelings should be innate to all of us, why is it so hard to conjur and act on. What is appropriate?! Suppression? Regression? Disney movies and pearls?

On one hand soo many of us spend so much time just trying to incite some sort of spark inside of us. We fall in lust in the blink of an eye. We get irrate during everyday activities in everyday scenarios... Some times we take drugs just to help get a feeling, something, anything.

But then something happens one day. A sudden rush. You open up and you let something in and it affects you. You get sad, really sad. Au Revoire Simone on repeat because it resonates with your "soul." Not an entire bottle of quaaludes can numb this feeling. But you try. Anything to take the pain away... alcohol, alcohol, drugs, sex, parties, tears, trouble. But isn't this what you were yearning for?? Isn't there a part of you that wanted this? Isn't there something in you that would die without it?

I am a product of my generation & i want the pain to go away.

"During the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be... and I don't think they've ever remembered."
-Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

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