Wednesday, May 16, 2007

As much as i ♥ Steve Aoki...

Ultra last Friday actually made me want to kill myself.

Im not joking. I was looking around and thinking... do any of you people actually know who this man is?.. or did you just get an invite on facebook.

I was actually SO annoyed by the crowd that I mentally bailed from even contemplating attending the afterparty.
now thats sad.

I would rather be stuck alone in an elevator with Cisco Adler Spencer Pratt for an entire two day period than be subjected to a)the outfits that were in attendance that night AND b)the uninvited attitudes that accompanied said lechateau finds.

The ONLY person that actually could have influenced me to stay at that point is Mickey Avalon, himself. Nikki and I actually hung out in the walkway for a bit before we left completely because we still wanted to hear the music. Now if that's not sad, I dont know what is.

The moral of the story: I didnt liaise with Steve Aoki or (his way hotter sister) Devon Aoki and will probably never return to Ultra again. Great Night. thrilling.

above: regular steve aoki party... (even if he is with cisco adler)...


below: ultra lounge steve aoki party.... (see the difference, no? maybe its just me)...

note: krystina fear not, just because you have left toronto does not mean you have been forgotten. Blog on JESSIE SPANO to come.

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