Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ON MY MiND (you & a few other things..)

im looking forward to a summer of total sleaze.
well sort of, im looking forward to shopping for a bicycle (vintage red womens cruiser w/ basket, anyone?), wearing less layers and not having to go to the hair salon every single week.
also, the last time i was at bel-air tan i puked. ask krystina. i cannot handle tanning salons anymore.

anyways... im all about inspiration.

and while i sat home for 2 hours today trying to recover from the sizeable blood donation i gave mid-afternoon, i rounded up the things that have been interesting me of late. and by late i mean, today.

Jesus ♥ this bitch.

in regards to this woman person im not quite sure what to say, other than androgyny is dead. i promise. anyways, the colours are fly. the photographer made them even more fly. but like the duck? i dunno. i promised i would no longer criticize those who have their own sense of style. and really... this person pretty much rocks. and the insane clown posse hommie at the side? awesome!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

her name, the one in the glasses, is thalia devine..she's a friend of a fabulous friend of mine..