Wednesday, April 25, 2007

emphasis on 'broke'...

So after purchasing a piece of vintage louis vuitton luggage today (c.1920)...
and blowing the rest of the money left in my chequings account at urban outfitters...

the time i hate most is finally upon me...

the time to get a job.

i am not going out this evening because i am THAT poor. this will continue until thursday (13mins from now) when my "paycheck" comes. but realllyy.... its barely enough to sustain my veganism.

So kids, if you see me out in the next few days... drink tickets, drink tickets. think of me. and remember, i love you.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ON MY MiND (you & a few other things..)

im looking forward to a summer of total sleaze.
well sort of, im looking forward to shopping for a bicycle (vintage red womens cruiser w/ basket, anyone?), wearing less layers and not having to go to the hair salon every single week.
also, the last time i was at bel-air tan i puked. ask krystina. i cannot handle tanning salons anymore.

anyways... im all about inspiration.

and while i sat home for 2 hours today trying to recover from the sizeable blood donation i gave mid-afternoon, i rounded up the things that have been interesting me of late. and by late i mean, today.

Jesus ♥ this bitch.

in regards to this woman person im not quite sure what to say, other than androgyny is dead. i promise. anyways, the colours are fly. the photographer made them even more fly. but like the duck? i dunno. i promised i would no longer criticize those who have their own sense of style. and really... this person pretty much rocks. and the insane clown posse hommie at the side? awesome!